Create an Azure Service Principal for Ansible Tower (AWX)

1 minute read


You want to test Azure Provisioning using Ansible Tower (or the Open Source version, AWX) so you’ll need a way to authenticate with Azure.


An Azure Service Principle will need to be created so that Ansible Tower can authenticate.

Method 1: Azure CLI

  1. Install the Azure CLI.
  2. Create an Azure Service Principal called ansible with the password MyStrongPassw0rd!
     az ad sp create-for-rbac --name ansible --password MyStrongPassw0rd!
  3. This will return some JSON like the example below:
     "appId": "abcd1234-abcd-efff-1234-abcd12345678",
     "displayName": "ansible",
     "name": "http://ansible",
     "password": "MyStrongPassw0rd!",
     "tenant": "12345678-ab12-cd34-ef56-1234abcd5678"
  4. The appId key above is referred to as the client_id for the Azure Credential in Ansible Tower.
  5. The password key above is referred to as the secret for the Azure Credential in Ansible Tower.
  6. The tenant key above is also referred to as the tenant for the Azure Credential in Ansible Tower.
  7. To show your Azure Subscriptions, run the following
     > az account list --output table
     Name        CloudName    SubscriptionId                        State    IsDefault
     ----------  -----------  ------------------------------------  -------  -----------
     Free Trial  AzureCloud   aaaa1111-bbbb-cccc-abcd-aaabbbcccddd  Enabled  True
  8. Note down your SubscriptionId for later use.

Method 2: Azure PowerShell

  1. Install the new Azure PowerShell Module:
     Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber
  2. Create an Azure Service Principal called ansible with the password MyStrongPassw0rd!:
     $servicePrincipleName = 'ansible'
     $secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString 'MyStrongPassw0rd!' -AsPlainText -Force
     $azADApplicationParams = @{
         DisplayName    = $servicePrincipleName
         IdentifierUris = "http://$($servicePrincipleName)"
         Password       = $secureString
     New-AzADApplication @azADApplicationParams -Verbose
  3. This will return an object like this:
     DisplayName             : ansible
     ObjectId                : 11111111-2222-3333-abcd-12345678abcd
     IdentifierUris          : {http://ansible}
     HomePage                : 
     Type                    : 
     ApplicationId           : abcd1234-abcd-efff-1234-abcd12345678
     AvailableToOtherTenants : False
     AppPermissions          : 
     ReplyUrls               : {}
     ObjectType              : Application
  4. The ApplicationId key above is referred to as the client_id for the Azure Credential in Ansible Tower.
  5. To show your Azure Subscriptions, run the following
     Name          Id                                   TenantId                             State  
     ----          --                                   --------                             -----  
     Pay-As-You-Go aaaa1111-bbbb-cccc-abcd-aaabbbcccddd 12345678-ab12-cd34-ef56-1234abcd5678 Enabled
  6. Note down Id (Subscription ID) and TenantId for later use.

Create an Azure Credential in Ansible Tower (AWX)

  1. Navigate to the Credentials page, within the Resources menu.
  2. Create a new Credential and ensure the CREDENTIAL TYPE field is Microsoft Azure Resource Manager.
  3. Enter the previously created values into the SUBSCRIPTION ID, CLIENT ID, CLIENT SECRET, and TENANT ID fields as shown below:
    Create Azure Credential

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