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Installing Ansible AWX using Docker

2 minute read

After installing Ansible to test within a Windows environment, I wanted to explore other methods of administering and using Ansible other than from the commandline.

Using Ansible and DSC with Windows

2 minute read

For the past year or so I’ve been teaching my friend Steve about the many tools and techniques I’ve been using at work. We gradually built upon each topic until we had a working build for Exchange This all worked great as an example, but along the way we ...

Packer Example for Windows

5 minute read

You can get started quickly by using Packer’s simple getting started guide, but you’ll soon want to delve into the documentation for more options and examples. Let’s install it and create our first image!

DSC Package Resource Gotcha

less than 1 minute read

This quick post covers a gotcha I found using the DSC Package resource. I was having issues installing the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client (Direct Download like so.